Monday 19 December 2016

Cultural Sociology Assignment topics

Cultural sociology is one of the most commonly used disciplines of sociology. It covers analysis of a society’s macro level and micro level cultures, including their values, beliefs, norms, material and non-material culture etc. Normally cultural sociology is read through the eyes of famous sociologists including Marx, Webber and Durkhaim. Topics within this area that could be used for your sociology Assignment are:

Analysing the validity and application of Marx’s ‘Conflict Theory’ in UK society?
Is Webber’s theory of rationalism applicable to the social structure of the UK?
Analysing the changing trends of the UK’s high culture over the years?
Is the popular culture of the UK the same as it was few decades ago?
What are the impacts of cultural invasion from immigrants on the UK’s indigenous values, norms and beliefs?
What are the dimensions and types of cultural shock that a foreigner from Asia or the US can have?
Analysing the cultural lags in UK society?
Tracking the changing elements of counterculture in the UK?
On a geographical basis, what are the different subcultures prevailing in UK society?
Identifying the positive and negative aspects of inter sub-cultural social interaction.

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